2021 is coming, and while there have been some positive things happen this year, we aren’t too sad to see 2020 go. We look forward to some changes with the new year, a fresh start, a COVID-free future (can we get a what-what!!!), and the new opportunities that have been in the works coming to fruition this next year. Here are the top five marketing trends we expect to see in 2021.


No Cookies in the Future

It sounds like a nightmare, but rest assured, your chocolate chip and snickerdoodle future is safe. It’s the internet cookies you should be worried about. While there is a lot of paranoia (justified or not), about cookies, they are a huge tool for the digital marketer. Well, after all, the paranoia (justified or not) Google is moving to get rid of all cookies on Chrome in 2022. This will affect how leads are tracked and targeted. Third-party data will be a thing of the past and marketers will need to find valuable ways to collect first-party data. Digital marketers will need to use 2021 to educate themselves on how a cookieless browser will affect their marketing strategies.


Covid Effects

Listen, we’re tired of talking about it too. We want things to go back to normal. I would like to go to a theme park, catch a movie at the theater, see the Foo Fighters in concert, or just be able to walk in town without wearing a mask. We, however, are not there yet and experts believe that while the economy will recover, it won’t be the same economy from pre-Covid.

Restaurants are already anticipating changes in buyer behavior. Chipotle and Red Lobster have set up ghost kitchens, kitchens that prepare food for pickup, and delivery only. Grocery stores are optimizing their online grocery shopping, pickup, and delivery processes. The film industry has been forcibly moved away from theater releases, with new movies being released on stream. It isn’t too far-fetched to believe that the film-industry could begin to place a bigger emphasis on streaming premiers as opposed to theater premiers.

Chances are your industry has been impacted by the COVID and your consumers’ behavior will change, it is important to stay on top of your consumer’s buying habits and notice new trends.


Social Media Push Continues

Since we’re on the topic of COVID effects, we should go ahead and talk about the increased use of social media that is predicted to push into 2021. 51% of adults claim they use social media more since COVID began, spending 24 minutes a day on social networks. The networks seeing the biggest boost are Snapchat and Instagram. 24% of marketing budgets last year were spent on social media marketing, but if there was ever a time to invest in social media, now is the time.

More Interactive Content 

2021 should also see a rise in interactive content. Interactive content is more engaging, providing more value to your website visitors. Interactive content bridges the gap between informative blogs, white papers, and case studies and entertaining videos and branded games. Examples of interactive content could include assessments, quizzes, polls, surveys, interactive videos, contests, and games. Social media AR filters could be considered interactive content as well. Tommy Hilfiger’s holiday shopping experience was a great piece of interactive content from the past year, and if you’re wanting to provide interactive content, you should take a look.


Rise of the Voice Assistant

While voice search isn’t currently part of the Google search algorithm, voice searches still do have an effect on searches. A user will often have different search results using voice searches instead of typing in the query. Voice usage has also increased in usage. 55% of people have used a voice assistant, 45% of users did so through a smart speaker, 39% searched through smartphones, and 6% used both home speakers and phones. 

Marketers should pay attention to their SEO to ensure that it works for voice search as well. There are some things you can do to optimize their SEO for voice search. First, people often make voice search queries through questions. Be sure to integrate interrogative keyword phrasing. Secondly, don’t forget that voice queries are more conversational and typically longer. Where you might type out, “best hairdresser in Nashville,” a voice query maybe, “who’s the best hairdresser in my area?” Just because the searches are typically longer, doesn’t mean your keywords need to be longer, just remember to think about what you would say instead of what you would type.

“Knowing is half the battle.” GI Joe taught us that, but seriously, there is some major truth in it. Knowing and understanding current marketing trends is the best thing you can do to help prepare your business for what is to come this next year.