This week you’ve heard all the ways that Little Red Writing can provide support for all of your content management needs, but we also want to let you know that we’re the perfect partner for writing and publishing a book. We’re writers who have had lots of experience with book publishing. In fact, we have multiple published authors on staff. With that experience, we can be a useful ally in your book-writing journey. Here are some things we can help you with.


Organization and Ghostwriting

We have 50+ years of combined experience writing in more than 42 industries and various genres of books, from fantasy to historical fiction. No matter what your writing needs are, odds are we understand what you’re working on. We can help you brainstorm, organize your thoughts, work on sentence organization and structure, focus on active voice vs. passive voice, and help you self-edit. Imagine how ready Rocky felt at the end of a training montage. That’s how ready you will be to write and publish the book of your dreams. 

Don’t have time to write your own book? No problem! We also can function as ghostwriters. We love writing. We love it so much that we charge ten to fifty cents less per word than the industry average. Depending on the topic, the Editorial Freelancers Association estimates that ghostwriting can cost anywhere from twenty cents to two dollars per word. Per word. So you provide the ideas and concepts, we provide the writing, and you get your name on the front of a published book. It’s really as simple as that.


Editing, Proofreading, Formatting, and Other Essentials

This is where we turn your manuscript into a professional book, ready to hit the shelves. We understand that this part of the book publishing process is just as important as the writing aspect. These services are also priced well below industry standards, which means you’ll save money here, too. Basic copyediting can cost anywhere from $30 to $40 an hour, and substantial line editing can cost $60 an hour. With Little Red Writing, you pay an up-front cost that isn’t dependent on the time we spend or the difficulty of editing. You can also pick and choose what editing services you want. Are you just looking for a line editor? We can do that. Need a content editor? We can do that as well. Whatever you need, we can provide support. You participate as much as you want to in this part of the process. When you receive the final manuscript for your book, there will be no surprises or changes that you didn’t consent to.

We can also format your book, using amazing software that prepares your manuscript for all formats in one pass. That way we aren’t charging you separately for print, eBook, and eReader formatting. In one fell swoop, we’ll have your book ready for publication, saving you both time and money.

Additionally, we can help you with publishing-related services like illustrations and cover design. While we don’t have any illustrators in-house, we have a network of artistic colleagues who would love to jump in and help with your book. We will connect you with an artist to give you a professional book cover and illustrations all at a value. 

Finally, we’ll help you publish your book through Amazon. Publishing through Amazon can be a confusing process for the uninitiated, and even if you’ve worked with Amazon publishing before, it can still be a tedious process. We’ll handle whatever you need.


Marketing and Publicity

 What good is a great book if no one has ever heard of it? When you have us on board, you’ll have access to a wealth of tactics. We can create/update your Goodreads account; create branded materials to be distributed throughout your social media channels; plan blog tours before and after your book publishing; create a custom website to serve as a landing page, and distribute your promotional materials. You receive all these services for $2,000. That’s all upfront, and the price doesn’t go up throughout the course of your publishing process. 

If you take your book to a publisher, they’ll have someone for each step of the editing, formatting, and marketing processes (and they’ll have all kinds of bills to pay). Plus, agreements with publishers could include giving up various aspects of control in the publication process. You could lose creative control, publication volume and runs, or even the rights to your book.

At Little Red Writing, we really are here to serve as teammates. We care about your success and will jump in to help where you need help. If you need the legwork done in editing, we do it. If you need help organizing your thoughts into a framework so you can write your magnum opus, we’re ready to help. If you have the ideas, but you just don’t have time, we can write it for you. We understand this is your name, these are your ideas, and that’s what will be published. We’re honored to help. We’re able to charge less for the same services because (as mentioned) we are a multi-talented group of individuals. We don’t have to employ service-specific personnel. 

If you’re ready to get started, contact us today.