At Little Red Writing we’re prolific writers and aggressive marketers. It’s almost like we’re machines, but really we’re not. We’re people with our own personalities outside of the personality of our brand. So for some Friday fun, we want to pull back the curtain and show you the people that make Little Red Writing run. To do so, we’ll be running a series of profiles that ask a variety of questions from food to travel and even the important things like, “if you were an animal, what would you be?” We hope you enjoy getting to know our staff a little bit better!

“Time flies when you’re having fun, and writing for LRW is fun for me!” – Katie McGrath

Our first series of questions, titled “No Place Like Home,” relate to things about your home/hometown and what makes your area home. This week’s profile is dedicated to Katie McGrath. She lives in Cork, Ireland and is an incredible writer. Her bubbly personality and cheeky humor light up any conversation she’s in. Get to know Katie!

What is your favorite place in your city and why?

Katie: My favorite place is the area where I live in, Douglas, Cork, Ireland. It is very modern with a great selection of trendy shops, restaurants, and cafes. It is close to the city center and its on a bus route.  I cannot drive at the moment so it is an ideal setting for me. It is also beneficial for anyone who wants to take a break from driving.


Do you have any pets and if so tell us about them and their personality/quirks?

Katie: My family had a cute Jack Russell called Lucky for a few years. He was very friendly and enjoyed to sing/howl to my sister when she played the recorder (which is like a whistle) for her school project.


What is your best lazy day?

Katie: I enjoy sitting out in my patio area with a book or magazine if it is sunny whilst listening to my favorite tunes which include bands The Killers and Walking on Cars. I also enjoy watching an entertaining tv show like Nightshift and eating naughty but nice food with my hubby Donal. We often take a short walk near our home too which is very relaxing.


What are a few of your favorite/quirky knick-knacks laying around your house that have value or meaning to you?

Katie: I still have a vintage Nokia/Blokia so I enjoy spending time on my laptop and listening to tunes from Youtube on this too. I recently began collecting and displaying old photos of myself, Donal, family and friends. I have retrieved some hilarious and embarrassing photos of myself. However, humor prevails and I laugh every time I see them!